Ethiopia is full of smallholder farmers striving to produce wonderful coffee. Keramo Station, run by the award winning Daye Bensa Coffee, is one of many washing stations to process their harvests. Coffee cherries delivered to their washing stations are treated with the utmost care and respect for your enjoyment. Since 1996 they have developed great techniques to consistently produce beautiful coffee. 


We’ve selected a refreshing and fruity washed sidamo lot from their many great offerings. Sidamo coffee is known to be very aromatic, bright and low acidity. Sidamo coffee is grown at high altitude so the beans grow slower. This time allows them to develop more complex flavors. The cherries were wet fermented for up to 72 hours before drying for up to 15 days until the coffee reached approximately 10% moisture. The drying beds are covered when the sun reaches its peak to prevent over drying. This attention to detail is what separates Daye Bensa’s washing station from others in the region. 


Their hard work has allowed their coffees to place in the top ten of three Cup of Excellence competitions. The Cup of Excellence organization seeks to honor those who appreciate the hard work necessary to create exceptional coffee. Their organization shines light on the small lot holders who make up the specialty coffee industry. So when you take a sip of this coffee know that you’re experiencing something special. Something that was never supposed to make it to your home. Yet it persevered to give glory to Ethiopia. 

Our head roaster Amy Ewing developed a roast profile that honors the hard work of both the farmers and the team at Daye Bensa. You will be greeted with a sweet aroma that will drive you to craft the perfect cup of coffee. Brewed cups of this coffee will be bright, floral and have a smooth finish.


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